• Rs. 145.00

    Cardiac Stimulant , Helpful in cough fever & giddiness Also Effective in Gas Beneficial in seasonal productive cough and cold. Reduces inflammation of throat Dosage :- 2-2 tabs, twice a day or as directed by...

  • Rs. 145.00

    Blood purifies, helpful in skin disease & allergy Gandhak is an antiviral component that offers antibacterial effects to treat various skin disorders. Gandhak Rasayan Officinale enhances the bioavailability of antioxidants. Gandhak Rasayan Tablet helps prevent...

  • Rs. 110.00

    Helpful in Hyperacidity, Piles, Colic Pain, & Urinary Disorder. It is used in common diseases of the digestive system like indigestion, flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting, stomach colic, and haemorrhoids It is used in the treatment...

  • Rs. 85.00

    Helpful in laxative , Rasayan & Eye Tonic . Acts as a highly-effective laxative widely used in indigestion Used for its colon cleansing and detoxifying action Protects vital digestive organs and helps eliminate toxins It...

  • Rs. 170.00

    Useful in Indigestion, Oedema, Tridosh, and Obesity & also used as liver tonic . It is also strongly advocated in the texts of Bhaishyajyaratnavali for treating yakritvikara i.e. liver disorders. The holistic science of Ayurveda...

  • Rs. 145.00

    Helpful in prameha UTI & Gynec Disorder inflammatory Ayurvedic remedy used for the treatment of a multitude of diseases of the urinary tract, kidney, pancreas, thyroid gland, bones and joints Boosts male/female fertility Maintains reproductive...